Jungle bases

Basing tutorial by cut_the_sprue
Jungle bases

The materials

For the jungle bases you'll need the following materials:

1. Cork
2. Dry tea leaves
3. Plastic aquarium plants
4. Miniature foam foliage / bushes
5. Wood glue
6. Super glue
7. Milliput

Preparing the plants

After priming the plants paint them with the following colours, each time covering less.

Optional plant steps

You can stop here but if you want to add other splashes of colour here are some I use:

Painting the ground cover & rocks

After gluing down irregular shapes of cork and the dry tea leaves prime and use the following steps:

1 / 5
img 2


Optional - add a wash.

img 3


To give the rocks some natural variation water down the following paints and add them here and there.

img 4


To make the rocks look more "rocky" drybrush with a grey.

img 5


Finally drybrush the rocks and leaves with a green. If you want a more mossy rock look then go heavy with this drybrush.

Adding the foliage

1 / 2
img 1


Next glue down the plastic plants, for some I use milliput since super glue isn't enough, once dry I paint it brown.

img 2


Finally glue down the foam foliage and highlight it, the ground and rocks with some Scorpy Green.



Joined March 2024

Back in the hobby after 25 years!
Currently working on my blood raven army.